News archive

Databases back online


Our databases TFDB (zebrafish transcription factors) and AGETAZ (gene expression in the zebrafish brain) are now again publicly accessible.

Access TFDB...

EZHA Meeting 2024


We will provide an update on our services and discuss EU regulations for shipping zebrafish at the EZHA Meeting in Gödöllő, Hungary, 16-18 October 2024. We look forward to your questions!

Meeting website...

Upcoming courses


Our next International Zebrafish and Medaka Courses (IZMC) will be held on: 23-26 September 2024 (German), 28-31 October 2024, 25-28 November 2024.

Register here...

An ode to zebrafish


A humble fish with stripes of black and gold
A model for the study of disease
With genes and organs similar to those
Of humans who aspire to health and ease.

This fish can breed and grow with rapid pace
Its embryos are clear and easy seen
With CRISPR and with NGS we trace
The secrets of its genome evergreen.

This fish can heal its wounds and mend its heart
Its brain reveals the mysteries of mind
With drugs and compounds it can play a part
In finding cures and treatments for mankind.

O zebrafish, thou art a worthy peer
In biomedical research most dear!

- Bing Chat

Presentation at the ZHA Meeting, London


An update on the EZRC.

Click to download PDF...

Uwe Strähle wins CNV Award


Prof. Uwe Strähle, Scientific Director of the EZRC, has won the Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard Award 2020 for his outstanding achievements in zebrafish research and contributions to the community.

Read on EuFishBioMed website...

Shipping reopened


We are back in the lab and ready to resume shipments, starting with orders from Germany. Thanks for waiting!

Shipping suspended until further notice


We regret that due to the Coronavirus situation we will not be able to fulfill your orders until further notice. However, we will remain open for receiving orders and will be happy to answer your questions.

Thanks for your understanding!

New E-mail address


Due to the renaming of our institute, our E-mail address has changed to:


Christmas break


The EZRC will be closed for the Christmas break from Monday 17th December until Monday 7th January. We wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!

More Sanger alleles


We have finished importing alleles from the Sanger Mutagenesis Project. Over 27,000 Sanger alleles are now available.

Show new alleles...

Summer break


The EZRC will be closed from August 20 until September 3, 2018.

See you then!

EuFishBioMed survey on zebrafish nutrition


On July 30 the NIH and the International Zebrafish Society are holding a workshop on zebrafish nutrition. In order to present the European view on this matter, I would like to ask you for your advice. Please take a moment to answer a few questions below.


  1. Which dry or live feeds do you currently use for feeding larvae and adults?
    Feed Feedings/day Age
  2. Is variability of the feed an issue for your research?
  3. Would an open-formulation, chemically defined zebrafish diet be useful for you, and for what experiments?
  4. If so, would you be interested in helping to test such a diet?
  5. Should EuFishBiomed get involved in an effort to standardize feeds, e.g. by compiling a white paper?
  6. Any other comments or suggestions?


Please respond directly to robert.geisler∂ by July 27. Your input will of course be kept confidential.

Thanks a lot for your help!

New wildtype lines 

(16-Mar-2018, updated 16-Oct-2018)

We now offer the ABO wildtype line as well as two inbred lines, SJD and NHGRI-1.

Browse catalog... 

Christmas break


The EZRC is closed for the Christmas break from Monday 25th December until Monday 8th January. We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Summer break


The EZRC will be closed from Monday 14th August until Monday 4th September, 2017.

See you in September!

Please include archiving costs in your DFG grants!


Since its foundation the EZRC has been providing an archiving service for the zebrafish lines generated in your projects. By preserving your valuable lines, we help you to fulfill your obligation to make research materials available for future work, avoid unnecessary duplication of experiments and save research money. However we have currently no external funding source for this service. 

The DFG has indicated that it is willing to provide compensation for this important service if applied for as part of your grants. We therefore kindly ask zebrafish researchers to include EZRC archiving costs of 900 € per line in your future DFG grants.

New Sanger alleles available

(25-Jan-2017, updated Sep-8-2017)

Nearly 10,000 new Sanger alleles are now available.

Show new alleles...

Archiving of zebrafish lines can reduce animal experiments in biomedical research


Our collaborators at the ZFIN model organism database need your help.

Read and sign the Statement of Support here...

EZRC wish list


The EZRC aims to increase its exchange of lines with the Zebrafish International Resource Center (ZIRC) in Eugene, Oregon, in order to provide access to these lines to European users without transatlantic shipping charges.
Therefore we ask you to kindly send us your wish list of mutant, transgenic, or wild type lines from ZIRC that you would like to see included in our future catalog.

Once a sufficient number of suggestions have been received we will import the requested lines from ZIRC. You will then be able to order them as embryos at our regular prices, to be shipped one generation (aprox. 6 months) later. If you are in a hurry, you will be welcome to visit us to pick up the adult fish at our facility.

Placing lines on the wish list does not oblige you in any way to buy the lines from us later. However, we reserve the right to rank your suggestions based on urgency and expected community interest and if necessary, we will limit the number of lines suggested by a particular lab. For that reason please provide a short explanation why you would like us to import a particular line. Of course we will keep this information confidential.

You may also suggest lines from sources other than ZIRC. However, we may not be able to obtain such lines because of availability and licensing issues.

Please submit your wish list here:

Christmas break


The EZRC is closed for the Christmas break from Monday 21th December until Monday 11th January. We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year!

Practical introduction to sperm freezing and IVF methods

(4-Nov-2015, updated 17-Jan-2019)

Get an individual, hands-on introduction to sperm freezing and IVF methods at our lab.

The introduction will take one day, from 9 AM to 3 PM. It is available in English, German or French.

Fee: 760 € for 1 - 2 participants

Please inquire at: ezrc-requests∂

ZF-HEALTH Symposium 2015, June 4, Gif-sur-Yvette, France


Dear colleagues,

We are pleased to invite you to attend the ZF-HEALTH Symposium 2015 “The Zebrafish: A Vertebrate Model Organism for Biological and Biomedical Investigations” that follows the training course “ZF-Health Resources for in Silico Experimentation”.

The one day conference will take place in Gif-sur-Yvette, France, June 4, 2015. 



  • Francesco Argenton (Univ. Padova)
  • Michael Richardson (Univ. Leiden)
  • Olaf Ronneberger (Univ. Freiburg)
  • Wolfgang Driever (Univ. Freiburg)
  • Owen Randlett (Cambridge USA)
  • Claire Wyart (ICM Paris)
  • Nicolas David (ENS Paris)
  • Nadine Peyriéras (CNRS Gif-sur-Yvette)


For further information please download the ZF-HEALTH Symposium Flyer (PDF).

The meeting is free of charge for registered participants. Please register here:

Registration deadline: June 3, 2015

We kindly ask you to forward the announcement to your colleagues as well.

Information on the training course (June 1-3, 2015) is also available at .

We hope to welcome you and your colleagues in Gif-sur-Yvette.

Kind regards,

Organizing secretary

Jana Maier
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT)
Hermann-von-Helmholtz-Platz 1
D-76344 Eggenstein-Leopoldshafen
Telephone: +49-721-608-22716
Fax: +49-721-608-23354
E-mail: jana.maier∂

ZF-HEALTH workshop: ZF-HEALTH resources for in silico experimentation - VIBE-Z – BioEmergences – MecaGen 


The EU FP7 Integrated Project ZF-HEALTH invites you to attend a training course for using its computation tools and resources (June 1-3, 2015, Gif-sur-Yvette, France).

Read more..

European Zebrafish Meeting 2015


We will have a booth at the European Zebrafish Meeting in Oslo (June 28 – July 2, 2015), and will be ready to answer your questions. See you in Norway!

Learn more about EZM 2015...

International Zebrafish and Medaka Course (IZMC)

(22-Mar-2015, updated 4-Nov-2015)

Following the success of our first course, International Zebrafish and Medaka Courses are now held several times a year. They are open to graduates, postgraduates and PIs and follow the FELASA B concept.

Register here for the next available course...

PhD positions available


PhD positions in bioinformatics ("Rapid identification of ENU mutants by HTS sequencing") and molecular biology ("RNA editing in skeletal muscle during development") are currently open as part of the ZENCODE-ITN training network.


International Zebrafish and Medaka Course (IZMC)


Register now for our first International Zebrafish and Medaka Course, July 14 - 18, 2014. It is open to technicians, students, graduates, postgraduates and PIs and will follow the FELASA B concept.


Open technician position


We have an opening for a technician.

Read job posting (in German)...

Open PhD position


The Institute of Genetics and Toxicology and the European Zebrafish Resource Center at the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology are looking for an outstanding candidate who will develop a PhD research programme in a transdisciplinary team of biologists, engineers and informaticians. The candidate should have an excellent background in molecular cell biology, developmental genetics and have a flair for engineering and computing.

As part of a genome-wide collaborative screen of zebrafish knock-out mutations provided by the Sanger Institute we want to characterize the genes necessary for the earliest behavior of the zebrafish, namely the light-induced motility before hatching and in larval stages up to day 5. We will use a highly automated photomotor response (PMR) assay that is based on the one  developed by the laboratory of Randall Peterson (Harvard University) and which we have established at the KIT in collaboration with him. In chemical screens, this assay has allowed to functionally characterize known psychoactive substances and to identify new candidate molecules. In our genetic screen, we will identify genes affecting the photomotor response and compare these responses to those previously observed for particular psychotropic drugs. The candidate shall participate in the screens and develop a PhD programme within this research framework.

The candidate will participate in the BioInterfaces International Graduate School that offers a structured PhD programme with specialized training opportunities including soft skill courses, seminars and summer schools in a highly interdisciplinary environment.

For further information see

or contact Dr. Robert Geisler

or Prof. Dr. Uwe Strähle

EZRC website online


Our new website with a searchable catalog of fish lines is now publicly accessible at

Tübingen mutants now available


Almost all of the published mutants from the three large-scale Tübingen screens are now available from the EZRC, as embryos from the original frozen sperm samples which were transferred to the EZRC:

Tübingen I: Over 1,000 lines from the ENU mutagenesis screen conducted in 1993 - 1996 by the laboratory of Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard at the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology. Some of the published lines have not yet been sequenced ("unm..." genotypes).

Tübingen 2000: ENU mutagenesis screen conducted in 1999 - 2002 by the laboratory of Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard and Artemis Pharmaceuticals GmbH. Only a small number of lines have been published.

Tübingen EU: Over 1,000 lines from the ENU mutagenesis screen conducted in 2004 - 2008 by the ZF-MODELS EU consortium in the laboratory of Christiane Nüsslein-Volhard. For most of these lines data were directly submitted to the ZFIN database by the ZF-MODELS consortium and they have not yet been sequenced ("unm..." genotypes).

Exelixis, Inc., the Max Planck Institute for Developmental Biology and the ZF-MODELS consortium have kindly permitted us to distribute all of these lines with our standard Material Transfer Agreement, with no further restrictions.

Sanger TILLING mutants available


We have received the first shipment of sperm samples from the Sanger Mutagenesis Resource, which aims to knock out all protein-coding genes of the zebrafish by chemical mutagenesis and whole-exome sequencing. Starting with library SL4, we will receive sperm samples from all sequenced F1 fish and will take over distribution of the lines from the Sanger Institute, along with the Zebrafish International Resource Center (ZIRC) in Eugene, Oregon.

Please note that we have only two sperm samples per F1, and therefore need to grow up some fish from each requested line to generate more samples. If not enough embryos are generated to send them immediately, we will send you embryos from identified carriers when they are ready. This may increase shipping time to 4 months or more. 

New website


Internal launch of the new EZRC website.